The 12 days of Christmas – VAT edition

Written by VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane Have you ever wondered how VAT comes into play during the 12 days of Christmas carol? We have given the classic 12 days of Christmas carol a VAT twist, from VAT thresholds to reverse charge rules, we’ve wrapped up 12 key insights to help make your VAT journey […]
Fuel Scale Charge

What is it? The VAT Fuel scale charge is an adjustment that you add to your VAT return to account for the private element of fuel paid for by the business. HMRC update the fuel scale charge valuations annually on 1 May. Who is it for? VAT registered businesses who reclaim input VAT on all […]
Private schools VAT under a labour government: Implications and strategies

Written by VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane The prospect of VAT being applied to private school fees has generated significant buzz in the media. With a newly elected Labour government, this potential change has become a reality, impacting the families paying for education and the private schools themselves. In this article, we explore the implications of […]
VAT Update on Hotel La Tour Appeal – VAT is not recoverable on share sale costs

Written by VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane Last week marked the conclusion of the Hotel La Tour VAT case, with the Court of Appeal ruling in favour of HMRC. After facing two prior setbacks, HMRC has now secured a significant win through the Court of Appeal. We await to see whether Hotel La Tour will seek […]
Hotel La Tour VAT Appeal – Could the outcome affect you?

Written by VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane The Hotel La Tour VAT recovery case was scheduled for April 10, 2024. The outcome of the decision could potentially open the door for businesses across various sectors to reclaim VAT on the costs of selling the shares of a subsidiary that have taken place in the last four […]
Doing business in the UK – A tax perspective

The UK continues to be one of the most attractive places for global businesses to locate to in the world. With one of the most robust and trusted legal systems, for hundreds of years businesses and assets have been far better protected in the UK than in many other jurisdictions; the UK’s legal system is […]
Common issues with VAT and Property

VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane, has created a comprehensive video addressing common issues associated with VAT and Property. The intricacies of VAT in land and property transactions are complex, so it is important to understand the nuances. Accurate reporting of VAT is imperative to prevent potential penalties from HMRC. Historically, VAT has been considered a ‘support […]
Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Reform

Written by VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane In the Autumn Statement delivered on 22 November 2023, the government unveiled its response to the consultation addressing the reform of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). The following outlines the major changes, which will take effect from 6 April 2024. Gross Payment Status A fundamental feature of the CIS is that […]
Deposits, Christmas Parties, employee gifts and VAT

Written by VAT Partner, Sandy Cochrane Tis the season, and we know that many employers and employees have been excitedly preparing for their Christmas parties. Sadly, for many, we are hearing that disappointment ‘strikes’ again, following the recently announced train strikes, affecting many whose Christmas parties fall on those days, and where their only means […]
Webinar recording: VAT and the Construction Industry

Sandy Cochrane, Gravita’s head of VAT, presented a 45 minute webinar addressing and explaining the main VAT problem areas that both contractors and subcontractors currently face in the construction industry. The areas covered in this webinar were: General overview The Domestic Reverse charge: understanding the supply chain and whether the contractor or the supplier has […]