How to save hours weekly by outsourcing supplier & payroll payments

We invite you to join us and Apron at our co-hosted webinar on Wednesday 27th November 2024 entitled ‘How to save hours every week by outsourcing supplier and payroll payments’.


Supplier and payroll payments are an essential part of your business. But payments admin is a major time drain, and one that also comes loaded with the risk of errors and fraud. 


By outsourcing your payments, you can save hours every week, and potentially thousands of pounds in fees every year if you’re sending money overseas.


This webinar is a partnership between Apron and Gravita. In this session you will learn:


  • The time-saving benefits of outsourcing payments — Why you don’t need to spend hours sitting in front of spreadsheets for your suppliers and employees to be paid on time.
  • How smooth the payments process can be — Using custom workflows to speed up the review and approval process with your accountant.
  • Why outsourcing payments is more secure — Less jumping between banking apps and entering details manually means less chance of errors and scams.


There will also be a Q&A in this session, giving you a chance to ask any questions you might have about making payments easier and faster for your business.


This session, which will cover the above and more, will be run on Zoom from 11am to 12pmRegistration is required by using the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar.



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