
Webinar recording: Leveraging technology to improve cashflow and business performance

Late payments in 2023 cost UK businesses £1.6billion; it’s almost certain you were impacted by that.


Escalating late payments affect all stakeholders, from paying staff and suppliers to deterring your investors. Some of the UK’s leading tech experts from Xero, iwoca and Gravita, who specialise in using automation to speed up and improve cashflow for SMEs are on hand to help and have shared their expertise in this session.


During this webinar, these experts covered the following and more:


  • Overview of current climate and cashflow tools currently used to assist business owners
  • Survey feedback from 1000s of businesses and an insight into the biggest software issues they’re facing today
  • Xero: State of play on late payments and impact on businesses. Xero shared stats on their recent work with the UK Government on the late payment crisis and the plans on how to tackle this
  • Iwoca: The benefits of current technology which make cash collection easier
  • The panel’s (unbiased) recommendations of the best technologies available for SMEs in the market today to maximise cashflow and support your future aspirations
  • Practicalities of cashflow forecasting and the benefits to your business
  • Implementation of your chosen cashflow software: Three easy steps!
  • Q&A


To access Xero’s report on navigating the impact of economic conditions on the cash flow of UK small businesses and the plans on how to tackle this, click here.


To access Xero’s report on small businesses beating the ‘digital drag’ and what can be done to help them fully embrace technology, click here.


From this webinar, you will take away easy wins which can be implemented immediately, as well as ideas and strategies to help you give your business the competitive edge it needs and in preparation for further advanced technologies such as AI.


To access the recording, please complete the form below.

What next?

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